
Our video library will be available for purchase as a monthly or annual subscription.

A subscription gives you the ability to share videos in your lobby, in your office, or with a patient in the comfort and privacy of their home. You simply log into your account, select the desired video or series to display, or share a private link as needed.

With just 30 new patients each month, the cost and time savings of an Endoveda subscription membership pays for itself.

Subscription Plans Start as Low as $560/month 

  • Annual Subscription: At $460 per month, you save 20 percent.
    • $5,520 
  • Monthly Subscription: With the monthly subscription, access the video library as you need it.     
    • $550 

Available Titles

  1. Mechanics of Cannabis I: What is Medical Cannabis and How Does It Work?
  2. Mechanics of Cannabis II: Hemp, Trichome, Strain
  3. What’s All the Fuss About?
  4. What is Flower?
  5. Delivery Methods
  6. Conditions: Chronic Pain
  7. Conditions: Seizures
  8. Conditions: PTSD
  9. Conditions: Cancer
  10. Conditions: Epilepsy

Upcoming Titles

(release date Summer 2022)

  1. The Basics for New Patients.
  2. CBD vs. THC; What’s the difference?
  3. How Does the Endocannabinoid System Work?
  4. Conditions: Uterine fibroid
  5. Deregulation vs. Rescheduling”